Instructions for requesting letters of recommendation
Please write to me at least three weeks in advance of the first
deadline to ask if I can write a letter for you. If I agree to
write, please send me
- an unofficial transcript
- a resume
- (optional) a draft of a cover letter or personal statement
if you think it will help me write a better letter
- a link to a shared google spreadsheet (to which you have
given me edit privileges) containing
- a list of each program you
are applying to
- mode of submission (an email address or a note
stating that I'll receive a submission link)
- the due date
- a column where I can check off the ones that I have
Please try to send links to me either all at once or in large batches
so I am not chasing down many links over several months. I'll upload
letters once a week, so please get links to me at least a week in
advance of your deadline. Links that come in a day or two before a
deadline may result in a late letter submission.
If I have not checked off a letter as submitted a week before it is
due, please send me an email reminder. If you add to your
spreadsheet after I have submitted all of the letters originally
requested, please send me an email as I don't get a note when you
edit the spreadsheet and won't know there are more to do.
Finally, let me know how it goes and what you decide to do!
Jessica Sidman's homepage